Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hey everyone! well this was another great and eventful week here in Veracruz. Things are moving along in the work and we had another baptism this morning at 9am, just a great way to start off the day. Alejandra was so excited to be able to get into the baptismal waters and receive the remission of her sins, i truly am coming to understand the ordinance of the baptism here on the mission, something that maybe us who were born in the church didn't appreciate as much being 8yrs old and getting baptized. She was so joyful to know that her sins had been truly washed away. what an amazing burden to be lifted up off ones shoulders. The Lord truly is so merciful with all of us, giving us this great opportunity. We also have a couple other families that are being taught and prepared for baptism for these upcoming weeks. it is truly a wonderful blessing to be here in the mission, it is incredibly that the Lord allows young men and women like us to HELP in this work. I love being here so much. I have been able to communicate with the Elders who are in my old area in Poza Rica, and they have had the opportunity to baptize 4 of the investigators that we had found and taught. it feels so cool to know that they were able to make that choice and receive those blessings. I truly do love being here, time is just flying by. i cant believe my sister will be home in just a few weeks, but i know she is working hard everyday. What an example she has been for me here on the mission. I am so grateful the Lord has always given me good examples to have in my life and learn from them. I hope that all of you are doing great and enjoying the time together as families in this summer. i love you all so much!
Elder redfern

Hola a todos,

WE had the blessing of seeing another man enter into the waters of baptism this weekend. Rodolfo Rivoira is a father of three, his family all have been baptized one by one these past few months and he finally started to show interest. His family had some tough trials of faith these past few weeks, someone stole 200 pesos from their son, Julian in the church at an activity and he was feeling super down, the mom, Gridselda was diagnosed with diabetes, their friends son almost died in a car accident. It was so interesting to see how broken they were the night before his baptism; they were fighting and just not wanting to be around one another. Gridselda, like most moms have felt once in their life was feeling woe is me and saying, “no one helps me with anything!” And then said she wouldn’t go to the baptism! Surprisingly, the only one who was doing fine was Rodolfo he just sat back and listened to everyone else. We tried to animate them and talk about what they could do as a family. They told us they weren’t reading their scriptures or doing prayer as a family and not doing FHE. We reminded them of the importance of these things, it’s not that these are just suggestions but they are COMMANDMENTS, we must do these things if we want to have the spirit in our homes. We learn in Alma 37:6;
“…that by small and simple things are great things brought to past.”
Luckily they were able to calm them down and they all showed up to the baptism, late (which was freaking me out a bit) but they came! I think I have found my nitch…family and marriage counselor, but for real, it seems like these past few weeks it is all that I have been doing, my comp told me that “si o si” (yes or yes) I need to change my major and go into social work, follow in the footsteps of my big bro. I guess we will wait and see.
I love this work and though at times I feel trunky and ready to go home I understand how precious this time is and that I have the eternity to be with my family, thanks to the gospel! This is the one and only true church of God where the priesthood has been restored and I am not afraid to share it. God is on our side and he will protect us. I know that it is so important that we focus on the little things in our life like prayer, scripture study and FHE we will see great things come to past!
I love you all!

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