Friday, June 18, 2010


Hey all! Well this was a great week here in the mission. I went to tampico for the last time in my mission for two days this week and it was kinda weird but i know great and interesting things lie ahead. Things went well and it is always a great opportunity to be able to talk to President Call face to face and hear his great wisdom and power. I love being part of the Hosts of the Lord, knowing that we are truly combating against satan and his forces, it just feels great to disturb his awful work and yet watch people save themselves from his grasp. We had a great lesson with the father of some two young men that were baptized about 2 months ago, and he is a step closer to realizing what a wonderful blessing it would for his whole family to be part of the ONE TRUE CHURCH of God. I love so much the invitation that we as missionaries give, because it is impossible to let us trick you, all we do is invite the people to talk to their Heavenly Father and ask him if it is right, if one does it with a sincere heart and true intention, the Lord will reveal them the truth by the Power of the Holy Ghost. I know my words have done nothing, i know I'm just a mere speck in this great work, but i know the Lord has chosen us and we have answered the call. I also know, painfully, that one day the call ends, or mejor dicho, the call changes, and one goes home. Boo. I cant believe Joey started school already(preparate ya mero llega mi hermanita...ja), but i know after one has served as well as he did their is no fear. I still do not have the new address of the new mission which will be parting July 1st, but i will try and get it by next week. The work moves on and i feel so privileged to be here, i hope you all have opportunities to share the gospel with your Friends and family, truly their is no joy sweeter than this. I know the Lord loves his children, i now know without a doubt that fasting is something powerful, very powerful. My good friend Elder Jones taught that praying is us knocking on heavens door, and praying and fasting is knocking on heavens door screaming HELP ME PLEASE!!. I liked that. I hope you all have a great week filled with spiritual experiences, letting the Lord guide you each and every day, there is absolutely nothing more important than what the Lord has commanded. I love you all!! thanks for your support!
Elder Redfern


It has been yet another interesting week filled up ups and downs. I have always been honest with people and I will be honest I had quite the break down this Saturday. I really did not want to leave the house, but I didn´t want to stay in either. As we were getting ready to leave my boot broke (it was raining all morning) and I just broke down and balled my eyes out to my comp about how I wanted to be home. She held me for a min which was nice (though it would have been better if it were from my Daddy). I then just grabbed my other shoes and we left to work. My mind was going crazy with negative thoughts as I dreamed about being with my family. We didnt teach all morning.
We went to activity we had planned in the afternoon where there were only a few teenagers and there leaders who had just had mutual. I cried some more and sadly some of the members saw. I thought I had made a fool of myself but interestingly enough Hna Juarez, the presidents wife said “I wish I had your patience” I guess she was having a bad day too and had just yelled at one of the youth. Every seemed a little down and my comp suggested that we play “SIGNS” a fun game that we played all the time at BYU. At first everyone was frustrated because they couldn´t understand us very well, my Spanish vocabulary is not up to par to teach how to play games. As the game started going we just started to laugh and play and enjoy one another. It was exactly what I and everyone else needed. Tender mercies!
We then left and worked all night and it was wonderful. We have a family who are progressing so well. They told us about how they feel like since we have been in contact they have started to change and they like this new feeling they have. Rocio and Axel siblings that we are teaching still want to be baptised and we were able to have permission from there parents and we were able to visit a family who have not been to church in four years and guess what… they came yesterday!!!!! The Lord blesses us as we work. Even though our hearts are not always in the right place, if we just go to work He will provide for us what we need, He loves us and wants us to succeed and He will help us! I KNOW because He has and continues to help me! I miss you all, but really I miss you and though at times I want to be with you I know that this is where I need to be!

Hna Redfern

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